Monday, October 11, 2010

Bryson turns 3!

This is the first year Bryson really understood that it was his birthday! All I heard about for weeks leading up to his birthday was that he wanted a Mickey Mouse cake and balloons. We celebrated with family the Sunday before his birthday!

When Bryson first started unwrapping his presents he was tearing the wrapping paper off in tiny pieces. It could have been a very long night, but he quickly got the ball rolling.
Bryson was perfectly content checking out his new Mickey Mouse DVD when he heard the reactions from everyone when they saw Brady bringing in another present. Bryson glanced over to see what it was, got a big smile, and climbed down from the chair to go check it out!

Bryson jumped on, gave us a "see-ya-later" look, and was off!

Tuesday, October 5th started off with the balloons Bryson wanted and even a phone call from Mickey Mouse himself!

Bowling time! The Crosbie's joined us for some bowling and ice cream to celebrate the night!

Brady explained the game the best he could to Bryson and he was ready to play!

Bryson's hopeful look as he watches his bowling ball!
Hmm, not any more.
He may need more practice!

Ellie's turn to bowl! What this picture doesn't show is just how very, very slow the bowling ball is moving.

It can take some pretty good patience to wait for these bowling balls!
Thank you everyone for all of the birthday wishes and gifts, Bryson had a blast!

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