Thursday, March 15, 2012

Play time!

It has been great weather! 
Daddy went straight outside to play with the kiddos when he got home from work.

Brady took Rory to the Jazz game tonight, so the kiddos and I stayed home and played more.  I decided to set up the ball pit, I can't believe I hadn't set it up previously.  We got it when Bryson was about Kendyl's age and Kendyl loved it just as much!

Of course there ends up being more balls outside of the tent than inside.
Since Brady hadn't gotten home yet I let Bryson fall asleep in bed with me.  As we were settling to sleep this is the conversation Bryson and I had:
Me: "I love you buddy, I want you to stay my little boy forever!"
Bryson: "I love you too, I want you to stay my little mommy!"
He sure knows how to melt my heart!

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