Sunday, March 18, 2012

In a rush!

All the tasks that have to be done just to get out the door can be very interesting.  We were on our way to Grandma and Grandpa's house for our weekly Sunday visit and Brady was eager to get going. 
I was just making sure I got everyone ready...
shoes on the kids - Check
Change Kendyl's diaper- Check

Brady takes Bryson outside to the truck, starts the truck and is sitting waiting for us girls.  That's when I really have the feeling of urgency to not keep them waiting long.

Extra diapers in the diaper bag - check
My shoes on - check
Turn off the tv - check
Sippy's - check
Binky - check

Ok, ready to go..... Kendyl, where did Kendyl go.

Found her!
Yep, she was in no rush at all.
She always makes me laugh, and yes we took that much longer because I had to take pictures!

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