Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A childhood memory

When I was growing up we would spend the summer's in Juarez Mexico where my Great Grandma (Mama Vi) and my Grandma (Mama) both had homes one home right behind the other.  Mama Vi had this big chest refrigerator, that had a glass sliding lid on the top that was filled with drinks.  The drinks were in glass bottles and I recall going to a place where we would take back all our empty bottles in crates and we would buy new drinks.  We just said we wanted a case of coke, sprint, orange, what ever we wanted.  Then we would put these bottles into the chest fridge.  A big chest refrigerator only for drinks, yummy drinks!!  Along with the bottle opener right close!  It is a fun memory I have of having as many drinks as I'd like! 
I have always thought it would be fun to have a refrigerator just of drinks just like my memory from my childhood.  So we got one from points we had saved up and when I saw this little drink refrigerator in the catalogue I really wanted it!   It's not nearly as big as the one my great grandma had and I wish I could buy cases upon cases of the different flavored drinks in glass bottles (yes I can taste the difference in glass bottles), but I am still able to find a few bottled beverages in the Mexican section at the grocery store!  But I mostly just fill it to the max of every drink and Bryson has been a good little helper filling it up for me!

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