Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Another one bites the dust

I never imagined that keeping the fish alive in Bryson's fish tank would be so hard.  I have learned way too many facts about a fish tank than I'd care to know.  What ever happened to bowl + water + fish + food = fish living?
Well we have had our fair share of fish lost in this whole process, but today we lost one of our favorites that I was thinking would pull through it all.  Bryson has been pretty good about the deaths of these little fishies, he absolutely wants to see them before you dispose of them and he says his little good bye's that consist of him saying "bye, love you, ok bye" over and over.  
Bryson's reaction to only having the frog left was "the frog wins!", not exactly the reaction I was expecting ha ha.  But I have taken quite a liking to this little froggy, I'd have to say he's been my favorite!

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