Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camping & Golfing!

Brady was at Scout camp for a week with the scouts and he promised Bryson that he could go spend a night with him.  So all I heard about for a couple of days was Bryson talking about camping.  I got him a Buzz Lightyear hat and sleeping bag, packed his clothes in his Buzz backpack and he looked just like a little camper!

Off they go to the trading post first!

 It was Bryson's first time camping and I would have stayed hiding in the bushes to take pictures if I could have, luckily Brady took some for me!

The boys at the flag ceremony, if Bryson would have stood any farther out he would have BEEN the flag ceremony!
Skipping rocks in the lake.

Made a necklace with Dad!

Brady's Dad picked them up for a round of golf (Bryson's first time on the golf course), then brought Bryson back home!

  Both Brady and Ernie gave a "Oh my hell" at the start of the round as they hit bad shots, so they began being careful what they said around Bryson.

 Such a great caddie!

 Later on in the round Ernie hit a bad shot and grumbled to himself.  By that time Bryson decided to break his silence, his choice of words ..."Oh my hell".  The guys got a good laugh from it!

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