Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Green putty

Bryson received a little green egg that had green silly putty in it from a trip to Texas Roadhouse. I tried to keep extra tabs on it everytime Bryson asked to play with it to avoid it making a mess. As I was putting away toys before bed I came across the empty green egg and asked Bryson where the putty was. Of course I got the "I don't know" response. I looked for it a little bit hoping to find it so that it didn't dry out over night. I couldn't see it anywhere so I just let it go, knowing that I'd come across it sooner or later.
Well the next morning I found it.... and it certainly did not dry out that's for sure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE your pictures!!! How adorable are your kids!!!!!!Sure do love you lots!!!