Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Potty Training

This is your last diaper sissy!
Time came to potty train Kendyl!
I used the potty training in one day method that taught her using a baby doll who went potty on her own toilet. Her little play potty would show the water dirty and would flush clean again with noise. Kendyl liked being able to play with the doll.  When Kendyl did potty in the toilet she got to call anyone to tell them that she went potty!
Everyone was warned of the pending calls and they all delivered their congratulations with the most excitement for her!

 I spent the whole day giving her salty foods and drinks!
 The pretty undies were a good incentive too!
I had to get creative during her naps.
Then keep her entertained until she went potty!
She did a great job and caught on very fast!

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