Saturday, January 9, 2010

Revealing our little secret

As quickly as Thanksgiving came around it also took what seemed like forever to get here. Mainly due to Thanksgiving being the day that we'd let the cat out of the bag, a secret that seemed so hard to keep. I mailed out our Christmas cards to my family and we handed the cards out to Brady's family on Thanksgiving day. Everyone caught on quickly to our secret and the great wishes and phone calls were so fun to get.

We are very excited to have another addition coming to our family in June! My due date is June 9th. This pregnancy has been very different from the one with Bryson, nauseousness and headaches have loved to be my companion. Even with the sickness this pregnancy has flown by so incredibly fast. We will be finding out the gender very soon on January 19th! Take our poll on what you think we will be having.


The Hoths said...

I still can't believe that I didn't find out until today, and you're already that far along. It is not fair that you're hardly even showing. CONGRATS again!

Unknown said...

It's about time!!! I love looking at all the pictures! We sure miss you guys!!!