First was the Bees game! I can't tell you who the players were in my action pictures but I can say they were on the Bees team.

Bryson watching a little bit of the game!

I tried paying my full attention to the game, it's hard to do when I know there are yummy treats walking from row to row. So I kept my eyes on these babies!

Then it was off to the Little America Hotel. The room had two balconies and Bryson had a blast running from one to the other. He also couldn't resist the urge to throw things off the balconies. He'd peel paint off from the balcony and throw it over. Boys will be boys!

Our view of the Bees field from the room.

The fountains from the room.

After swimming we packed up, ate at the hotel's brunch buffet and headed home. It was such a fun little getaway!
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