Birthday's are the one day that I have the opportunity to hear from everyone in my family! The morning started with me just taking my time getting ready, I had no where to go during the day and the only plans we had was to watch my nephew play basketball that evening. The kids happened to sleep in which was a great start! I spoke on the phone with family and I had a surprise visit from my in-laws who had come to give me cotton candy! They had casually questioned what my plans were for the evening and asked if I was going to eat with friends that evening. I said no, that I had met up with friends for dinner just a few nights ago. My father-in-law seemed confused and in my mind I didn't think anything odd of him having gotten the nights confused.
Sure enough as Brady and I were getting the kids ready to head out the door for the game, the door knocked. It was 5 of my girl friends!! They said "let's go", and I was so excited!
We decided to go to Texas Roadhouse and I wish I could have seen my face the second that a friend mentioned to the server that it was my birthday. Had I even thought ahead of time what they do for birthdays I would have opted for another restaurant. Sure enough time came and a saddle is wheeled to our table.
The picture shows just how embarrassed I was, I turned red. I got on the saddle, gave my name "Charlotte" and my age "20". Then they announced to the whole world that it's my Birthday, time has never stood so still, EVER!

We had the conversation of the effects of Radon in our homes etc, and we all decided to head over to Home Depot to get test kits. We are directed to aisle 15 for the kits and all five of us are searching this aisle. Looking everywhere for the kits, we even comment to each other that we obviously asked the wrong person for directions. We find another worker who takes us back to aisle 15 and walks straight up to this huge RED sign, protruding from the aisle that reads "Radon test kits". We all about died laughing, just having the feeling of being so dumb, but then realize that all of us have the same feeling. Seriously one of the best laughs!

We still did not want to call it a night so we headed over to Chilli's for desserts!
It was one of the funnest birthdays I have had! These girls are the funnest to hang out with, conversations are endless, the laughs are incomparable, and the friendships I truly treasure!
Thanks girls, and Brady for taking the kiddos!
You're too CUTE!!! LOL Loved it Sounds like my kinda night!
I got the giggles again just thinking of the Radon kits! Oh what a night!
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