I have no idea where the time has gone for Bryson to be 2 years old! He is such a blessing in our lives and is such a happy little boy. We have loved every stage he's gone through and can only imagine what joy he will bring in the next few years. We love you Bryson!

I just knew it was a matter of time before you were sucked into blogging. I loved seeing his 2 year old pics, the time has flown. I love having you guys as neighbors and I am excited for our date night! FYI - I am pretty sure that you guys were not married in 2009 if I do my math right you were married in 2001? :)
Wowza Amy! I had just fixed the typo right when I got your comment. That was super fast! LOL
I was going to say the same thing -- I knew you werent married in 2009!
I love the Blog. Bryson is so handsome!!
Wow, you are a pro at blogging already! I could use some tips :)(My computer is still having problems with the backgroud...so I can't see yours, but I'm sure it's fabulous!)
His 2 year pictures came out really nice! Bryson is such a cutie! And I love his truck!!
Holla ! Yamel, you should be slighty honored......you're the first blog that Jamison and I became "followers" of :)
love, love,love!!!
Awwww, Bryson is such a handsome little guy. I love his 2yr pics. The ones of him with his hands in his pocket I think are my favs.
Yeah!! You're a blogger too!!!! I love the pictures! Bryson is so adorable! We sure love and miss you guys!
Yay! I'm so glad you have a blog now! Bryson's pictures are so dang cute. What a handsome little guy you have! Love you!!!
Cute posts Yamel! Glad you got around to it. We need to come over and play with all of his new toys!
How adorable! He is growing up so fast! I'm so glad you're a blogger now!!
Seriously?! I am such a horrible friend! I haven't even seen him in person yet! We really need to get together and catch up! Miss you and happy birthday little man!
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