Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Our Halloween evening was busy, but fun!  I took the kids to visit Granny Secrist, then we visited Grandma & Grandpa Knowles and got our rounds of trick or treating in!

Introducing Daddy as Iron Man, Mommy as Jessie, Bryson as Buzz Light year, and Kendyl as a peacock.
The Hoth's stopped by to see every one's costumes!
Trying to get a group shot
(took this picture from Rhonda)
Trick or treating time!

Bryson wasn't wanting to knock on the doors, (Mommy had to do the honors) but he was sure ready to get his treat.  Kendyl didn't know what was going on, but learned that if she stood by the doors she got some candy!
I noticed that Kendyl was taking her time at a few of the doors only to find out that she was getting a candy and putting it in her bucket, then getting another one and another one.  I have awesome neighbors who let her really go to town using her technique until I could get to her to guide her away!
After about 20 houses Bryson was ready to go home to help Daddy answer our door for the trick or treaters!
With a costume like Kendyl's there was no such thing as being "sneaky" as she rummaged through Bryson's candy bag.
Caught you in the act little one!
Keeping with tradition I made my caramel apples, these are a few of them!
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Carving Pumpkins

Daddy helped us clean out the pumpkins, then Mommy got to work carving them!  The kids were just excited to have the pumpkins come in the house from the front porch.

Kendyl fell asleep before the pumpkins were finished, but Bryson was excited about his!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Flash Mob

I have heard of flash mobs being done before in other cities and have always thought it would be so fun to do. Shanna had been practicing for one and I was excited to be able to join them as they danced promoting a Zumba event that benefited the "Child and Family Support Center".  We danced at four places, finishing off at the mall. I had the best laughs from this experience and had a blast doing it.  

Thanks Shanna for letting me dance with you!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Preschool trunk-or-treat!

I volunteered to help with Bryson's preschool trunk-or-treat.  It was fun to see him with his friends, they were all so cute!

I had never done a trunk-or-treat, but luckily Bryson's teacher made the comment that they will bring the kids outside once our cars are decorated and ready to go.  Decorating my trunk hadn't even crossed my mind.  I decided to go along with Bryson's costume and be Jessie and decorate my trunk like "Al's Toy Barn". 
Here is Jessie & Buzz!
Buzz & Teacher Tiffany!
One of the only classmates Bryson ever talks about from preschool is Jaden. So I introduced myself to him and took a picture of them in their costumes!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance!

Rhonda, Shannon and I went to see the dancers of "So you think you can dance"!  I hadn't watched the season at all, but the girls were good at filling me in.  They were such awesome dancers that I may just have to start watching from now on!

Thanks for a fun night girls!
(Thanks for this picture Shannon)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Neighborhood kids

There are six kids between us, the Crosbie's and the Wilson's.  They are usually found together in one of the yards playing.  They were in the Wilson's yard until Jeff came outside and raked all his leaves in a pile for the kids to play in, the kids were all about that idea!

Cooper, Bryson, Ellie and Kiera!

Since the Crosbie's had a great pumpkin collection Kendyl decided to help herself to one.

Jeff started throwing all the kids in the air, not just once but multiple times each. Their smiles can't get bigger.

The good thing about Bryson being so light is that he can go very high!

Pumpkin walk

We visited the Pumpkin Walk again! I am always impressed at how creative everyone is.
Angry birds!

Despicable me!

Winnie the pooh!

