It's Halloween again!
I have made it a tradition to make caramel apples every Halloween for family and friends! I started it six or seven years ago and I get comments for weeks leading up to Halloween that "it's almost time for caramel apples", so I guess there is no stopping now. Since they are only made once a year, it is not that bad at all.
Every Halloween we pay a visit to Brady's parents and his grandmother. Then we come back home to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood and pass out candy!
Introducing Bryson as Mickey Mouse, Mommy the cat, and Kendyl the poodle!

This year Brady took Bryson out for the bulk of the trick-or-treating. Then Bryson and I went out again to a few houses. I carried an umbrella just in case it started to rain and even though it wasn't raining at the time, Bryson insisted on carrying it. This was the funny view I had for a few houses!

Bryson made out pretty well with plenty of candy!A big Thank You, to my good friend Cassandra, who made Kendyl's adorable costume!