Friday, September 24, 2010

Raspberry picking!

We were invited to join a group of friends and kids to go pick raspberries! There is a farm close by in Paradise that we were able to visit. It was right up against the mountains and was so pretty!

Check out this view!

Bryson started out carrying his bucket and caught on right away to only pick the red raspberries!

Soon enough I noticed Bryson doing this:

After he discovered how yummy they were, there were no more berries being contributed to our bucket on his behalf!

Bryson and his buddy Luke!

Another while later Bryson was ready for a change of pace.

While we were picking the raspberries all the girls were discussing what they were going to do with their berries. This is how I decided to use mine!

It was such a fun experience!

Monday, September 20, 2010

3 months old!

Kendyl is three months old! Three months doesn't sound like much, but at that ripe age is when she can get her first pair of earrings!
Kendyl got startled with the sound of the piercing but was perfectly fine after a couple of minutes. I chose little white daisy earrings, I love how they look!

Splish Splash!

We met up with friends at the Aquatic Center to have a last pool day! It is so nice to get into swimming pool water that is the same temperature as bath water. A picture I'd love to have is of Bryson and I going down the twisty slide. From my perspective I see the back of Bryson's head since he is on my lap and our feet out in front of us. I am trying to keep my feet far apart to help slow us down. I keep squealing as I am losing my battle of slowing down and I hear Bryson laughing hysterically. It's one of those moments that you keep the snap shot in your mind since there is no camera around.

Here is Miss Kendyl in her swim attire, AFTER our pool trip. Once again she managed to sleep the whole time we were swimming. I'll have to remind myself to put her in a swimsuit the next time she has trouble falling to sleep!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bath times two!

There are days when Bryson is happy to take a bath, and other times that he would rather pass on the idea. I was trying my best to convince Bryson to take a bath and the toys and bubbles weren't doing the trick. As a last ditch effort to get him interested, I asked him if he wanted to take a bath with sissy. He excitedly said yes! There is always a first for everything and Kendyl didn't seem to mind the extra company!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Adventures at first dam!

Any other family wouldn't open a bag of bread before finishing the old bag, and I try to keep tabs on those things. However occasionally I will find multiple bags of bread in the fridge. I had two bags of scraps that were going to be thrown away, so I packed the kids up and went to feed the ducks!
Bryson is always pretty excited to feed ducks, he wouldn't even let go of the bread bags the whole drive to first dam.
It seems like there is always an occupant who has had one too many pieces of bread but still demands more. The big fatty was going to make poor Bryson wet his pants.

Big ducks or small, Bryson still thought it was pretty cool!

Look how cute this little guy is! I just wanted to scoop him up and put him in my bath tub. I didn't, I promise.
I should have!!!!

A nightly occurrence!

Brady and I try to take turns reading Bryson a book before we say our prayer and put him to bed. On this particular night and five books later Bryson still wasn't ready to call it a night. Lucky for him Brady kept agreeing to read "only one book" five times over!

A morning occurrence!

Miss Kendyl sleeps great at night but always seems to stir in her crib when the morning comes. So I have been bringing her into my bed when Brady leaves for work in the mornings. She has had no complaints what so ever!

She must know it's Mom's bed and she sleeps just like a baby!


I can still picture Brady's face when he realized that Bryson was going to help lighten the load of a weekly chore, mowing the lawn!
Brady gave me a glance thinking that I had put Bryson up to it, but I didn't at all. Although, I couldn't help but laugh and run to grab my camera the second I saw him grab his lawn mower.
They walked side by side.
They passed each other.
Then they headed for the backyard!

I am pretty sure Bryson saved Brady some time too.... a little time!