I was surprised when I heard a little voice say "Can you give this to Bryson", when Brady answered the front door last night. Bryson waisted no time opening his present and I thought it was such a great surprise when I read that it was from his Nursery leaders from church.
It would be an understatement to simply say that I am grateful for those leaders and for nursery. Bryson is always so happy getting ready for church because of nursery and no smile is comparable to the one he has after he comes from nursery. This January is when he will move up into another class, and I cannot express how Thankful I am for the leaders who have taught him and who have loved him so much. He is always telling me what he did in nursery and one of the things that I had noticed is the glow in the dark stars that are on the ceiling of the room. How the stars glow and look so cool when the lights are turned off, and I can imagine what a hoot it would be for a bunch of 2 and 3 year olds!
So it warmed my heart to see what present he had gotten from his leaders!

He knew what they were the second he saw them, and he kept holding them and holding them.
I know that for a young boy, he won't remember everything from this age. But I surely hope he remembers nursery. I for one will never forget his excitement and especially those smiles!